International Progress Organization

  Organisation internationale pour le progrès





 Sovereignty and Coercion

Çırağan Palace, Istanbul

12 September 2024

Çırağan Palace

Hans Köchler, President of the International Progress Organization, addresses opening session.

Hans Köchler, center, flanked by academic team members Davide Sirna (Istituto Analisi Relazioni Internazionali, Rome), left, and Joël Christoph (European University Institute, Florence)

 Session at Bosphorus Room
(Bosphorus Strait at the backdrop)

From left: Prof. Rauf Versan (Türkiye), em. Professor of International Law, Istanbul University, former Judge ad hoc, European Court of Human Rights; Mr. Mogens Lykketoft (Denmark), President of the 70th General Assembly of the Uniteed Nations, former Foreign Minister of Denmark; Prof. Chin Leng Lim (China), Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Prof. Said Saddiki (Morocco), Professor of International Relations and International Law, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fès; Prof. Berdal Aral (Türkiye), Faculty of Political Science, International Relations, International Politics at Medeniyet University, Istanbul; Dr. Deepak Mawar (Netherlands), Lecturer, Department of Public Law and Governance, Tilburg University.

From right: Prof. Hassan Diab (Lebanon), former Prime Minister and Minister of Education of Lebanon; Dr. Karin Kneissl (Austria), former Foreign Minister of Austria, Head of G.O.R.K.I. Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia; Prof. Bardo Fassbender (Germany), Chair, International Law, European Law and Public Law, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; Dr. Gabriel M. Lentner (Austria), Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Department of Law and International Relations, Danube Univeresity Krems; Prof. Beatriz Bissio (Brazil), Deputy Director, Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Prof. Daniele Archibugi (Italy), Birkbeck Business School, University of London (UK), Research Director, Italian National Research Council, Rome.

Hans Köchler, center, with speakers and team members

From left: Prof. Said Saddiki (Morocco), Joël Christoph (France), Prof. Hassan Diab, former Prime Minister (Lebanon), Prof. Rauf Versan (Türkiye), Prof. Beatriz Bissio (Brazil), Prof. Bardo Fassbender (Switzerland), Hans Köchler, Prof. Berdal Aral (Türkiye), Dr. Karin Kneissl, former Foreign Minister (Austria), President of G.O.R.K.I. Institute, Russia, Prof. Daniele Archibugi (Italy), Mogens Lykketoft, President of the 70th General Assembly of the United Nations, former Foreign Minister (Denmark), Dr. Deepak Mawar (Netherlands), Davide Sirna (Italy), Prof. Gabriel Lentner (Austria), Prof. Chin Leng Lim (China).

News Release 

Photo at top of page: MV Savarona, former Presidential Yacht of Turkiye, anchored at the Bosphorus opposite Çırağan Palace.